1st International Workshop on
New Foundations for Human-Centered AI
September 4, 2020. Virtual Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
A full day workshop, part of ECAI-2020.


The main question addressed by this workshop is: what are the scientific and technological gaps that we have to fill in order to make AI systems human-centered, in terms of the ethics guidelines set by the European High Level Expert Group? To answer this question, we will leverage three strategic keynote talks, presenting the ethics guidelines and the scientific and technological approach by two major European projects; a number of contributed presentations in plenary and poster sessions; and live collaborative sessions featuring joint work and guided discussions.

The workshop runs entirely online, using the following tools:

You can join the workshop via the Digital ECAI platform here.

Note: all times are CEST!

09:00 Workshop starts
09:00 Welcome and Introduction Workshop organizers
09:10 Keynote talk
(Moderator: Luciano Serafini)
Teresa Scantamburlo: "The HLEG ethics guidelines" Google
Discussion: Technical implications of the HLEG ethics guidelines
09:50 Session "AI and humans"
(Moderator: Giuseppe Amato)
Bias in machine learning - what is it good for?
(Thomas Hellström, Virginia Dignum, Suna Bensch)
Personal dynamic memories are necessary to deal with meaning and understanding in human-centric AI
(Luc Steels)
10:30 Coffee break
10:50 Session "Explainable AI"
(Moderator: Ilaria Tiddi)
LionForests: local interpretation of random forests
(Ioannis Mollas, Nick Bassiliades, Ioannis Vlahavas, Grigorios Tsoumakas)
A new OWLAPI interface for HEX-programs applied to explaining contingencies in production planning
(Peter Schüller)
11:30 Short paper picthes
(Moderator: Alessandro Saffiotti)
Seven two-minute elevator pitches
11:45 Parallel interactive sessions
(Rooms will remain open over the lunch break)
How to center AI on humans
(Frank Dignum, Virginia Dignum)
Identifying the "Right" Level of Explanation in a Given Situation
(Valérie Beaudoin, Isabelle Bloch, David Bounie, Stéphan Clémençon, Florence D'alché-Buc, James Eagan, Winston Maxwell, Pavlo Mozharovskyi, Jayneel Parekh)
Opening the Software Engineering Toolbox for the Assessment of Trustworthy AI
(Mohit Ahuja, Mohamed-Bachir Belaid, Pierre Bernabe, Mathieu Collet, Arnaud Gotlieb, Chhagan Lal, Dusica Marijan, Sagar Sen, Aizaz Sharif, Helge Spieker)
Inference in Relational Neural Machines
(Giuseppe Marra, Francesco Giannini, Faggi Lapo, Michelangelo Diligenti, Marco Gori, Marco Maggini)
An Agile Framework for Trustworthy AI
(Stefan Leijnen, Huib Aldewereld, Rudy van Belkom, Roland Bijvank, Roelant Ossewaarde)
Mediating Joint Intention with a Dialogue Management System
(Michele Persiani, Maitreyee Tewari)
Unsupervised Vehicle Counting via Multiple Camera Domain Adaptation
(Luca Ciampi, Carlos Santiago, Joao Paulo Costeira, Claudio Gennaro, Giuseppe Amato)
12:15 Lunch break
13:30 Keynote talks
(Moderator: Luciano Serafini)
Alessandro Saffiotti: "Human-centered AI: the AI4EU view"" Google
Paul Lukowicz: "Human-centered AI: the HumanE-AI view"
Discussion: Technical answers to the HLEG ethics guidelines
14:20 Session "Collaborative AI"
(Moderator: Pedro Lima)
Collaborative-AI: social robots accompanying and approaching people
(Alberto Sanfeliu, Anais Garrell, Ely Repiso)
On human-AI collaboration in artistic performance
(Alessandro Saffiotti, Peter Fogel, Peter Knudsen, Luis de Miranda, Oscar Thörn)
15:00 Group work (part 1)
(Moderator: Alessandro Saffiotti)
Introduction to the virtual brain walk Google
Virtual brain walk
15:30 Coffee break
15:50 Group work (part 2) Outcomes of the virtual brain walk
16:00 Session "Integrative AI"
(Moderator: Jasmin Grosinger)
Teaching the old dog new tricks: supervised learning with constraints
(Fabrizio Detassis, Michele Lombardi, Michela Milano)
Injecting domain knowledge in neural networks: a controlled experiment on a constrained problem
(Mattia Silvestri, Michele Lombardi, Michela Milano)
16:40 Closing session Workshop organizers
17:00 Workshop ends


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This worskhop is jointly organized by AI4EU, the EU landmark project to develop a European AI on-demand platform and ecosystem; and by Humane-AI, the EU FET preparatory action devoted to designing a European research agenda for Human Centered AI.

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Last updated on September 3, 2020 by A. Saffiotti